Saint Nation Co.,Ltd.
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Saint Nation Co.,Ltd.

Sell LCD Display Panel

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LCD Display Panel

LCD Display Panel

Selling Parameters

Subject LCD Display Panel
Item No. LQ035Q7DB05
Supply Type General
Amount unknown
Categories Electronic,Electrical > Electronic Component > IC Panel

Detailed Product Description

Active Area (W x H): 53.64 x 71.52 mm
Brightness: 13% Reflectivity, Transmissive 160 nits
Contrast Ratio: 85:1 Transmissive, 15:1 Reflective
Diagonal Size: 3.5 inch (8.9 cm)
Outline Dimensions (W x H x D): 65.0 x 85.0 x 3.4 mm
Pixel Format: 240 x 320•
Storage Temperature Range: -25°C to 70°C
Delivery time: 5-7DAYS
Payment: T/T in advance
Issue Time:   2024-07-22
Expire Time:   2025-06-20

Keywords: IC Panel  LCD Display Panel   

Enquire Now!
Company Name Saint Nation Co.,Ltd.
Country/Region Taiwan
City Taipei
Address 11493 8F, No.79, Chow Tze St
Telephone +886-2-55825588
Fax +886-2-55805500
Contact Person