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List Products for spare parts of water pump 106 - 120 of 7504
Ottoman Fabric - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Ottoman Fabric
Item No.:
Product Description : Ottoman fabric Special organizational design High Breathability /Wicking Variousand delicate crochet pattern Longer life for chlorine pooling water Soft & comfortable Hand-Feel Perfect fit Suitable for swimwearcover-ups, casual wear Content: 97% polyester 3%Spandex 58"Cuttable*305G...
Manufacturer/Factory : ESSENCE TEXTILE CO., LTD.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Bonded Fabric > Functional Fabric

Crochet Jacquard - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Crochet Jacquard
Item No.:
Product Description : JACQ crochet fabric 75D/24F Water Soluble PVA Fiber Strong three-dimensional effect, braid texture effect Wicking function with High Breathability Good stretch and recovery ,Two way stretch Soft Hand-Feel Perfect fit Suitable for swimwear, swimsuit, sportswear, casual wear UV protection...
Manufacturer/Factory : ESSENCE TEXTILE CO., LTD.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Bonded Fabric > Functional Fabric

Single Jersey Fabric - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Single Jersey Fabric
Item No.:
Product Description : Single jersey with one side peach (space dye) Space dye , save water Good stretch and recovery Suitable for sportswear/legging Soft hand-feel UV protection Content: 71%NYLON 29%SPANDEX 58"Cuttable*215GM2 Color: Choose the available yarn color book Prompt delivery time Origin: T...
Manufacturer/Factory : ESSENCE TEXTILE CO., LTD.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Bonded Fabric > Sportswear Fabric

Crochet Fabric - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Crochet Fabric
Item No.:
Product Description : Crochet jersey fabric High Breathability and Lightweight Variousand delicate crochet pattern Longer life for chlorine pooling water Soft & comfortable Hand-Feel Perfect fit Suitable for swimwearcover-ups, casual wear High fashion swimsuit cover-ups Content: 90%NYLON 10%SPANDEX 58"C...
Manufacturer/Factory : ESSENCE TEXTILE CO., LTD.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Bonded Fabric > Swimwear Fabric

Terry Fabric - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Terry Fabric
Item No.:
Product Description : Terry JACQ fabric JACQ textured Swimwear fabric Small flower pattern Warm and water-absorbing effect and a structured three-dimensional appearance Can be customized with corresponding patterns. Strong three-dimensional effect Wicking function with High Breathability Longer life for chlor...
Manufacturer/Factory : ESSENCE TEXTILE CO., LTD.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Bonded Fabric > Swimwear Fabric

Textured Fabric - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Textured Fabric
Item No.:
Product Description : JACQ textured Swimwear fabric The computer software arranges the board and then sends it to the machine, where the drawn pattern is weaved. We can develop and produce fabric patterns according to your needs. Bubble fabric Strong three-dimensional effect Moisture Wicking function Longer li...
Manufacturer/Factory : ESSENCE TEXTILE CO., LTD.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Bonded Fabric > Swimwear Fabric

Jersey Knit - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Jersey Knit
Item No.:
Product Description : Jersey swimwear fabric Recycle polyester version available Wicking function Longer life for chlorine pooling water Good stretch and recovery Perfect fit Suitable for swimwear, swimsuit, sportswear UPF 50+ protection Constructed with colors that resist both wash out and sun exposure Spa...
Manufacturer/Factory : ESSENCE TEXTILE CO., LTD.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Bonded Fabric > Swimwear Fabric

Recycle Nylon Fabric - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Recycle Nylon Fabric
Item No.:
Product Description : Recycle Nylon pique fabric Using recycled nylon fabric Wicking function with High Breathability Longer life for chlorine pooling water Good stretch and recovery ,Two way stretch Soft Hand-Feel Perfect fit Suitable for swimwear, swimsuit, sportswear UV protection Content: 95%RECYCL...
Manufacturer/Factory : ESSENCE TEXTILE CO., LTD.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Bonded Fabric > Swimwear Fabric

Jersey Fabric - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Jersey Fabric
Item No.:
Product Description : Crochet metallic jersey fabric Obvious metallic effect High Breathability and Lightweight Variousand delicate crochet pattern Longer life for chlorine pooling water Soft Hand-Feel Perfect fit Suitable for beachcover-ups, casual wear Content: 84%NYLON 6%METALLIC 10%SPANDEX 57"Cuttab...
Manufacturer/Factory : ESSENCE TEXTILE CO., LTD.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Bonded Fabric > Swimwear Fabric

Swim Fabric - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Swim Fabric
Item No.:
Product Description : Tricot Swimwear fabric Moisture Wicking function Longer life for chlorine pooling water Good stretch and recovery Soft Hand-Feel Perfect fit Suitable for swimwear, swimsuit, rash guard, sportswear, yoga wear. UPF 50+ protection Content: 82%POLYESTER 18%SPANDEX 58"Cuttable*200GM2 ...
Manufacturer/Factory : ESSENCE TEXTILE CO., LTD.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Bonded Fabric > Swimwear Fabric

Swimwear Tricot - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Swimwear Tricot
Item No.:
Product Description : Tricot Swimwear fabric Tricot Fabric Longer life for chlorine pooling water Good stretch and recovery Perfect fit Suitable for swimwear, swimsuit, sportswear UV protection Commonly used fabrics from major brands Content: 83%NYLON 17%SPANDEX 58"Cuttable*195GM2 Color: According to ...
Manufacturer/Factory : ESSENCE TEXTILE CO., LTD.
Categories: Textiles,Leather > Bonded Fabric > Swimwear Fabric

Essential Oil Soap - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Essential Oil Soap
Item No.:
Product Description : Peptide essential oil soap 80G5 The main ingredient is a small molecule marine bioactive peptide, which is different from other synthetic or processed peptides on the market. Murray cod peptide has been proved by experiments to help the skin maintain firmness. Certified by the international IN...
Manufacturer/Factory : Taiwan Goodwill Murray Peptide Technologies, lnc.
Categories: Health,Beauty > Health Care Product > Peptide Products

Nature Soap - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Nature Soap
Item No.:
Product Description : Peptide essential oil soap 80G5 The natural small molecule marine bioactive peptides. It has passed the international INCI certification, passed the skin irritation and cytotoxicity tests. No preservatives, artificial colors and fragrances. Available for sensitive skin The delicate...
Manufacturer/Factory : Taiwan Goodwill Murray Peptide Technologies, lnc.
Categories: Health,Beauty > Health Care Product > Peptide Products

Peptide For Face - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Peptide For Face
Item No.:
Product Description : Peptide Activating Water 100ml The natural small molecule marine bioactive peptides. It has passed the international INCI certification, passed the skin irritation and cytotoxicity tests. Without preservatives, artificial colors and fragrances. The main ingredient is a small molec...
Manufacturer/Factory : Taiwan Goodwill Murray Peptide Technologies, lnc.
Categories: Health,Beauty > Skin Care Product > Peptides For Skin

Activating Water - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Activating Water
Item No.:
Product Description : Peptide Activating Water 100ml Contains 68 kinds of natural active peptides extracted from Murray cod. Different from other synthetic peptides or processed peptides on the market, Murray cod peptides have been proved by experiments to help skin remain firm. Make the skin more moist, firm, cal...
Manufacturer/Factory : Taiwan Goodwill Murray Peptide Technologies, lnc.
Categories: Health,Beauty > Skin Care Product > Peptides For Skin

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