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List Products for spare parts of water pump 16 - 30 of 7504
Bubble Tea Pearls-5 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Bubble Tea Pearls-5
Item No.:
Product Description : Purple Sweet Potato Tapioca Powder Home-madeTapioca is simple and fast! With the unique sweetness and fragrance from Taiwanese purple sweet potato. Add water makes dia. 5mm-10mm pearls, and cook in the boiled water. Enjoy your DIY time! Specification: 1kg/bag Contents: Syrup Origin:...
Categories: Agriculture > Agricultural Chemical > Agriculture Treatment

Bubble Tea Pearls-4 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Bubble Tea Pearls-4
Item No.:
Product Description : Sweet Potato Tapioca Powder Home-madeTapioca is simple and fast! With the unique sweetness and fragrance from Taiwanese sweet potato. Add water makes dia. 5mm-10mm pearls, and cook in the boiled water. Enjoy your DIY time! Specification: 1kg/bag Contents: Syrup Origin: Taiwan (R.O.C...
Categories: Agriculture > Agricultural Chemical > Agriculture Treatment

Bubble Tea Pearls-3 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Bubble Tea Pearls-3
Item No.:
Product Description : Black Sugar Flavoured Tapioca Powder Home-made Black SugarTapioca is simple and fast! Add water makes dia. 5mm-10mm pearls, and cook in the boiled water. Enjoy your DIY time! Specification: 1kg/bag Contents: Syrup Origin: Taiwan (R.O.C.) Customized Ingredients acceptable (MOQ requi...
Categories: Agriculture > Agricultural Chemical > Agriculture Treatment

Bubble Tea Pearls-2 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Bubble Tea Pearls-2
Item No.:
Product Description : Tapioca Pearl Powder Home-made Tapioca is simple and fast! Add water makes dia. 5mm-10mm pearls, and cook in the boiled water. Specification: 1kg/bag Contents: Syrup Origin: Taiwan (R.O.C.) Customized Ingredients acceptable (MOQ required). Certificated by ISO22000 & HACCP with NTD...
Categories: Agriculture > Agricultural Chemical > Agriculture Treatment

Bubble Tea Pearls-1 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Bubble Tea Pearls-1
Item No.:
Product Description : Tapioca Pearl Tapioca pearl is the key ingredient of Taiwanese bubble tea, made from tapioca powder, most of them are brown coulour. Cooked in boiled water, and mixed with sugar or syrup, and adding in beverages. The classic and fabulous taste of Taiwan! Specification: 3kg/bag; 6bags/car...
Categories: Agriculture > Agricultural Chemical > Agriculture Treatment

Aluminum Alloy Parts - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Aluminum Alloy Parts
Item No.:
Aluminum Alloy Parts
Product Description : Aluminum Alloy Parts
Manufacturer/Factory : HIGASHI IJEN CO., LTD.
Categories: Computer,Software > Computer Product Processing Equipment

Ball accessory - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Ball accessory
Item No.:
ball accessory
Product Description : Ball accessory ball net, pump needlewhistle....
Manufacturer/Factory : Nimatsu Taiwan Corp.
Categories: Sports,Entertainment > Sports Equipment > Ball Accessories

Epoxy Glue-4 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Epoxy Glue-4
Item No.:
Product Description : 12g AB Epoxy The surface of mold is connected by tiny parts and when parts break up, it can be repaired with AB epoxy and repair parts is invisible. Attached scraper and no extra tool required. This will keep hands well clean and no need to wash out. It takes a short time to getting solid...
Manufacturer/Factory : HUEI SING ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
Categories: Chemical > Coating > Epoxy Glue

Epoxy Glue-3 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Epoxy Glue-3
Item No.:
Product Description : 10g AB Epoxy The surface of mold is connected by tiny parts and when parts break up, it can be repaired with AB epoxy and repair parts is invisible. Suitable for varieties of material and different portion of mixing up can be used in different application. It is up to users’ decision ...
Manufacturer/Factory : HUEI SING ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
Categories: Chemical > Coating > Epoxy Glue

Epoxy Glue-2 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Epoxy Glue-2
Item No.:
Product Description : 8g AB Epoxy Attached scraper and no extra tool required. This will keep hands well clean and no need to wash out. It takes a short time to getting solid, reduce timing of waiting and particular being good for quickly repaired parts or being good in a lower temperature environment condition....
Manufacturer/Factory : HUEI SING ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
Categories: Chemical > Coating > Epoxy Glue

Epoxy Glue-1 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Epoxy Glue-1
Item No.:
Product Description : 5g AB Epoxy 305AB-B2 is closed to transparency after mixing up, smoothly surface coating treatment is suitable for non-solvent epoxy resin application. The surface of mold is connected by tiny parts and when parts break up, it can be repaired with AB epoxy and repair parts is invisible. S...
Manufacturer/Factory : HUEI SING ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
Categories: Chemical > Coating > Epoxy Glue

Glue Stick-3 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Glue Stick-3
Item No.:
805TGP, 805TCP, 812TGP, 812TCP, 825TGP, 825TCP
Product Description : Triangular Glue Stick Due to triangle design, it is uneasy to fell down and can be displayed on desk as a plate. Take it as a plate will prevent round shape pen or pencil falling down to the floor. Very practical and can be chose as a decoration purpose. It is recommended to office employee...
Manufacturer/Factory : HUEI SING ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
Categories: Office Supplies > Glue > Glue Stick

Super Glue-9 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Super Glue-9
Item No.:
3020RCP-B1, 3025RCP-B1, 3030RCP-B1
Product Description : Super Glue For PP Plastic Developed specifically for bonding plastic material - PP, this strong adhesive demonstrates excellent performance even on smooth PP surfaces, and is also suitable for use with PE materials. It can bond most plastics, adhering feeder parts in both large and small as...
Manufacturer/Factory : HUEI SING ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
Categories: Office Supplies > Glue > Super Glue

Super Glue-5 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Super Glue-5
Item No.:
3020RCU-B1, 3025RCU-B1, 3030RCU-B1
Product Description : Super Glue For Rubber This strong adhesive developed for bonding rubber materials exhibits high strength in adhering to various synthetic rubbers. It is primarily used for mutual bonding and self-adhesion of materials such as soft PVC, synthetic leather, PU synthetic leather, butyl rubber, ...
Manufacturer/Factory : HUEI SING ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
Categories: Office Supplies > Glue > Super Glue

Super Glue-3 - Result of spare parts of water pump
Product Name: Super Glue-3
Item No.:
3020RCG-B1, 3025RCG-B1, 3030RCG-B1
Product Description : Super Glue For Glass Easy to apply and resistant to water, this adhesive ensures bonded items remain securely attached even when exposed to water, making it perfect for bonding various items such as glass, tiles, and ceramics. With high adhesion and quick drying properties, it is suitable f...
Manufacturer/Factory : HUEI SING ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
Categories: Office Supplies > Glue > Super Glue

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