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List Products for pir motion detector 106 - 120 of 468
Pressure Balanced Bellows - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: Pressure Balanced Bellows
Item No.:
7-8 CDI-650, CDI-651, CDI-660, CDI-661
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint: A pressure balanced expansion joint produces pressure caused by internal force and compression, is designed to absorb axial movement (x-axis) and/or lateral movement (y-axis, z-axis) and by means of whose function by special structure to ...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint

Expansion Joint Flange - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: Expansion Joint Flange
Item No.:
7-7 CDI-650, CDI-651, CDI-660, CDI-661
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint: A pressure balanced expansion joint produces pressure caused by internal force and compression, is designed to absorb axial movement (x-axis) and/or lateral movement (y-axis, z-axis) and by means of whose function by special structure to ...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint

Steel Bellows Expansion Joints - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: Steel Bellows Expansion Joints
Item No.:
7-6 CDI-650, CDI-651, CDI-660, CDI-661
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint: A pressure balanced expansion joint produces pressure caused by internal force and compression, is designed to absorb axial movement (x-axis) and/or lateral movement (y-axis, z-axis) and by means of whose function by special structure to ...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint

Inline Pressure Balanced Expansion Joints - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: Inline Pressure Balanced Expansion Joints
Item No.:
7-5 CDI-650, CDI-651, CDI-660, CDI-661
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint: A pressure balanced expansion joint produces pressure caused by internal force and compression, is designed to absorb axial movement (x-axis) and/or lateral movement (y-axis, z-axis) and by means of whose function by special structure to ...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint

Inline Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: Inline Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint
Item No.:
7-4 CDI-650, CDI-651, CDI-660, CDI-661
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint: A pressure balanced expansion joint produces pressure caused by internal force and compression, is designed to absorb axial movement (x-axis) and/or lateral movement (y-axis, z-axis) and by means of whose function by special structure to ...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint

In-Line Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: In-Line Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint
Item No.:
7-3 CDI-650, CDI-651, CDI-660, CDI-661
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint: A pressure balanced expansion joint produces pressure caused by internal force and compression, is designed to absorb axial movement (x-axis) and/or lateral movement (y-axis, z-axis) and by means of whose function by special structure to ...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint

High Pressure Expansion Joints - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: High Pressure Expansion Joints
Item No.:
7-2 CDI-650, CDI-651, CDI-660, CDI-661
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint: A pressure balanced expansion joint produces pressure caused by internal force and compression, is designed to absorb axial movement (x-axis) and/or lateral movement (y-axis, z-axis) and by means of whose function by special structure to ...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint

High Pressure Expansion Joint - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: High Pressure Expansion Joint
Item No.:
7-1 CDI-650, CDI-651, CDI-660, CDI-661
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint: A pressure balanced expansion joint produces pressure caused by internal force and compression, is designed to absorb axial movement (x-axis) and/or lateral movement (y-axis, z-axis) and by means of whose function by special structure to ...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint

Stainless Expansion Joints - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: Stainless Expansion Joints
Item No.:
6-10 CDI-600, CDI-610, CDI-620, CDI-630
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Hinged Expansion Joint: The hinged expansion joint contains one bellows and is designed to permit angular rotation (θ) in one plane only, by the use of a pair of pins through hinge plates attached to the expansion joint ends. The hinges and hinge pins must be designed to r...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Hinged/Gimbal Expansion Joint

Stainless Expansion Joint - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: Stainless Expansion Joint
Item No.:
6-9 CDI-600, CDI-610, CDI-620, CDI-630
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Hinged Expansion Joint: The hinged expansion joint contains one bellows and is designed to permit angular rotation (θ) in one plane only, by the use of a pair of pins through hinge plates attached to the expansion joint ends. The hinges and hinge pins must be designed to r...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Hinged/Gimbal Expansion Joint

Steam Pipe Expansion Joints - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: Steam Pipe Expansion Joints
Item No.:
6-8 CDI-600, CDI-610, CDI-620, CDI-630
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Hinged Expansion Joint: The hinged expansion joint contains one bellows and is designed to permit angular rotation (θ) in one plane only, by the use of a pair of pins through hinge plates attached to the expansion joint ends. The hinges and hinge pins must be designed to r...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Hinged/Gimbal Expansion Joint

Pipe Expansion Joint - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: Pipe Expansion Joint
Item No.:
6-7 CDI-600, CDI-610, CDI-620, CDI-630
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Hinged Expansion Joint: The hinged expansion joint contains one bellows and is designed to permit angular rotation (θ) in one plane only, by the use of a pair of pins through hinge plates attached to the expansion joint ends. The hinges and hinge pins must be designed to r...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Hinged/Gimbal Expansion Joint

Stainless Steel Bellows Expansion Joint - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: Stainless Steel Bellows Expansion Joint
Item No.:
6-6 CDI-600, CDI-610, CDI-620, CDI-630
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Hinged Expansion Joint: The hinged expansion joint contains one bellows and is designed to permit angular rotation (θ) in one plane only, by the use of a pair of pins through hinge plates attached to the expansion joint ends. The hinges and hinge pins must be designed to r...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Hinged/Gimbal Expansion Joint

Expansion Pipe Joint - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: Expansion Pipe Joint
Item No.:
6-5 CDI-600, CDI-610, CDI-620, CDI-630
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Hinged Expansion Joint: The hinged expansion joint contains one bellows and is designed to permit angular rotation (θ) in one plane only, by the use of a pair of pins through hinge plates attached to the expansion joint ends. The hinges and hinge pins must be designed to r...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Hinged/Gimbal Expansion Joint

Hinged Expansion Joints - Result of pir motion detector
Product Name: Hinged Expansion Joints
Item No.:
6-4 CDI-600, CDI-610, CDI-620, CDI-630
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Hinged Expansion Joint: The hinged expansion joint contains one bellows and is designed to permit angular rotation (θ) in one plane only, by the use of a pair of pins through hinge plates attached to the expansion joint ends. The hinges and hinge pins must be designed to r...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Hinged/Gimbal Expansion Joint

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