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List Products for cationic surfactant 16 - 30 of 66
Surfactant Agent - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Surfactant Agent
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: TMX-6 has a unique penetration capability. Especially for silicone fluid emulsification. TMX-6 can emulsify silicone fluid very well and disperse the emulsion in the vessel precisely. TMX-6 has excellent emulsifying properties and dispersibility that makes the emulsion very stabl...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Surfactant Detergent

Emulsifier Agent - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Emulsifier Agent
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: E-814L is an excellent emulsifier. It almost no odor. Good emulsifying capacity and permeability. Mainly use in industrial wetting agent and emulsifier. Gives nylon and cotton fabrics special touch. E-814 has a low-foaming quality in emulsion processing. Characteristics ...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Surfactant Detergent

Cationic Fabric Softener - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Cationic Fabric Softener
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: ECO-7010 is a non-yellowing amino silicone emulsion that is different from traditional amino silicone fluids. It has little effect on the color shades of fabrics. ECO-7010 is considered to be the best softening agent for cotton fabrics. Characteristics ECO-7010 gives knit...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Silicone Softener

Silicone Solvents - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Silicone Solvents
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: LY-30V is diluted from LY-100V for low concentration store. It has low viscosity,so It's easier to dilute to 10% for processing. Characteristics Gives knitted fabrics an elastic,stretch and recover effect. Imparts soft and smooth texture on cotton and cotton blend...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Silicone Emulsion

Amino Silicone Oil - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Amino Silicone Oil
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: Non-yellowing amino silicone fluid HRC-100 has little effect on the degree of whiteness in fabrics. HRC-100 imparts a excellent soft, flexible, and elastic feel to woven and knitted fabrics. Best softener for cotton fabrics and cotton or polyester blends knitwear. Characteristics ...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Amino Silicone

Liquid Silicones - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Liquid Silicones
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: LY-70V is a non-yellowing amino silicone emulsion that is different from traditional amino silicone fluids. It has little effect on the degree of whiteness in fabrics and is considered to be the best softening agent for white fabrics. Properties: Appearanc...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Silicone Emulsion

Cationic Softener - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Cationic Softener
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: Non-yellowing amino silicone fluid HRC-70 has little effect on the degree of whiteness in fabrics. The product imparts a very soft, flexible, and elastic feel to woven and knitted fabrics. Best softening agent for cotton fabrics and cotton or polyester blends knitwear. Characterist...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Silicone Softener

Cationic Softeners - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Cationic Softeners
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: HRC-30 is a non-yellowing amino silicone emulsion that is different from conventional amino silicone fluids. It has little effect on the color shades of fabrics and is considered to be the best softening agent for cotton fabrics. Characteristics HRC-30 gives knitted fabrics...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Silicone Softener

Liquid Emulsifier - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Liquid Emulsifier
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: E-814 emulsifier belongs to a group of nonionic surfactants and specially designed for the emulsifying of amino silicone fluids. It has superior wetting, penetrating & dispersant effects on applied fabrics. Emulsions using this surfactant will show a very lasting & unique softening ...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Special Chemicals

Nonionic Surfactant - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Nonionic Surfactant
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: E-333 has superior emulsification and penetration ability. Broadly used in industrial emulsifiers, detergents and wetting agents. Application fields include microfiber textile printing, dyeing, and scouring processes. After emulsification, the emulsifier will have low foaming and fo...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Special Chemicals

Emulsifying Agent - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Emulsifying Agent
Item No.:
Dispersant DSA
Product Description : Description: Dispersant DSA specially developed for emulsifying DSA-88. It can uniformly disperse the DSA-88 and form a very stability emulsion. Dispersant DSA is APEO free product. It's a nonionic emulsifier. Characteristics Environmentally friendly High defoaming efficiency ...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Surfactant Detergent

Emulsifying Agents - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Emulsifying Agents
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: AR-Emulsifier belongs to a group of nonionic surfactants. Mainly designed for the emulsifying of amino silicone fluids. It has superior wetting, penetrating and dispersing effects on fabrics. The emulsion of using this surfactant will show a lasting and unique softening effect on ny...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Surfactant Detergent

Amino Silicone Fluids - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Amino Silicone Fluids
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: CT-711 is an amino silicone fluid. Mainly used for textiles softener. We optimize the structure, so just use 0.3~1% can get the best performance on fabrics. Gives excellent softness, especially on cotton. Characteristics Very slippery soft, dry feel. Excellent lubr...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Amino Silicone

Liquid Silicone - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Liquid Silicone
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: SP-25 base on TAI COUNTY functional silicone resin. It can applied on polyester, T/C, and CVC fabrics for a unique softening, elastic and silky smooth feel. Characteristics SP-25 Can be used with other resins to alter its effect For knitted fabrics, SP-25 gives an ...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Silicone Emulsion

Silicone Oil Emulsion - Result of cationic surfactant
Product Name: Silicone Oil Emulsion
Item No.:
Product Description : Description: NC-A is a kind of Silicone Resin made by special emulsion polymerization. It gives the pure cotton fibers and blends bulk and soft texture. Characteristics NC-A Increases softness of fabrics surface Increases fabric rebound properties NC-A Allows smooth su...
Manufacturer/Factory : TAI COUNTY CHEMICAL
Categories: Chemical > Rubber,Rubber Product > Silicone Emulsion

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