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Asia Bluetooth Sound Bar manufacturer provide comprehensive Bluetooth Sound Bar selling information on export industry. All these qualify hot Bluetooth Sound Bar made in Asia, connecting reliable Asian Bluetooth Sound Bar manufacturers, suppliers, exporters, OEM/ODM, factories with global Bluetooth Sound Bar buyers.

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List Selling Leads for Bluetooth Sound Bar 31 - 40 of 1324
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Piezo Transducers - Result of Bluetooth Sound Bar
Sell Product: Piezo Transducers
Item No.: PAC-WT-1205-P
[ Features: Higher current consumption Lower rated frequency Lower sound pressure level Narrow operating voltage range Applications: ... ]
Bluetooth Sound Bar Manufacturer/Factory : Hua-Jie ( Taiwan ) Corp.
Categories: Electronic,Electrical > Electronic Component > Acoustic Products

Micro USB Speakers - Result of Bluetooth Sound Bar
Sell Product: Micro USB Speakers
Item No.: PAC-SP-1504-3-P
[ 1. SCOPE This specification covers our product of micro speaker unit for mobile telephone or handset devices used. 2. MECHANICAL LAYOUT & DIMENSIONS: Shown in page 3/6 3... ]
Bluetooth Sound Bar Manufacturer/Factory : Hua-Jie ( Taiwan ) Corp.
Categories: Electronic,Electrical > Consumer Electronics > Micro Speaker

Travel Speaker - Result of Bluetooth Sound Bar
Sell Product: Travel Speaker
Item No.: PAC-SP-2305-P
[ Question for mechanism: The volume of the resonant chamber: The general problem of the consuming products is that the resonant chambers are not big enough. We can only try to f... ]
Bluetooth Sound Bar Manufacturer/Factory : Hua-Jie ( Taiwan ) Corp.
Categories: Electronic,Electrical > Consumer Electronics > Micro Speaker

Piezo Buzzer - Result of Bluetooth Sound Bar
Sell Product: Piezo Buzzer
Item No.: PAC-PT-2309-P
[ Features: The standard series are based on the highest piezo technology and are considered as most robust series for industrial applications. The standard buzzers use a special... ]
Bluetooth Sound Bar Manufacturer/Factory : Hua-Jie ( Taiwan ) Corp.
Categories: Electronic,Electrical > Electronic Component > Acoustic Products

Audio Transducer - Result of Bluetooth Sound Bar
Sell Product: Audio Transducer
Item No.: PAC-ST-03BL-P
[ SCOPE : This specification applies magnetic buzzer, PAC-ST-03BL-P. SPECIFICATION : Test condition: TEMP=+25±2 ℃ Related humidity=65±5% Air pressure:860-1060mbar. ... ]
Bluetooth Sound Bar Manufacturer/Factory : Hua-Jie ( Taiwan ) Corp.
Categories: Electronic,Electrical > Electronic Component > Acoustic Products

Piezo Electric Transducer - Result of Bluetooth Sound Bar
Sell Product: Piezo Electric Transducer
Item No.: PAC-ST-025BH-1-P
[ SCOPE: This specification applies magnetic buzzer, PAC-ST-025BH-1-P. SPECIFICATION: Test condition: TEMP=+25±2 ℃ Related humidity=45~60±5% Air pressure:860-1060mb... ]
Bluetooth Sound Bar Manufacturer/Factory : Hua-Jie ( Taiwan ) Corp.
Categories: Electronic,Electrical > Electronic Component > Acoustic Products

Magnetic Transducer Buzzer - Result of Bluetooth Sound Bar
Sell Product: Magnetic Transducer Buzzer
Item No.: PAC-WT-1606-P
[ Mean Current: Applying rated voltage & rated frequency, square wave 1/2 duty. Sound Outpu: Distance at 10cm(A-weight free air), Applying rated voltage & rated f... ]
Bluetooth Sound Bar Manufacturer/Factory : Hua-Jie ( Taiwan ) Corp.
Categories: Electronic,Electrical > Electronic Component > Acoustic Products

Electret  Microphone - Result of Bluetooth Sound Bar
Sell Product: Electret  Microphone
Item No.: EM4015
[ Applications: professionally manufactures and sells the condenser microphone, including omnidirectional, unidirectional, noise canceling, SMD type, and digital microphone. The... ]
Bluetooth Sound Bar Manufacturer/Factory : Hua-Jie ( Taiwan ) Corp.
Categories: Electronic,Electrical > Electronic Component > Electret Condenser Microphone

Electret  Microphones - Result of Bluetooth Sound Bar
Sell Product: Electret  Microphones
Item No.: EM6022
[ Features: Directional: According to the sound receiving range, the microphone is divided into omnidirectional, unidirectional, and noise canceling. The noise canceling micropho... ]
Bluetooth Sound Bar Manufacturer/Factory : Hua-Jie ( Taiwan ) Corp.
Categories: Electronic,Electrical > Electronic Component > Electret Condenser Microphone

Travel Speakers - Result of Bluetooth Sound Bar
Sell Product: Travel Speakers
Item No.: PAC-SP-1635
[ The factors which affect the SPL: the square measure of diaphragm, the amplitude of vibration, magnetic field intensity, power, impedance, resonant chamber, the pattern and the ... ]
Bluetooth Sound Bar Manufacturer/Factory : Hua-Jie ( Taiwan ) Corp.
Categories: Electronic,Electrical > Consumer Electronics > Micro Speaker

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