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List Products for plunger-element 76 - 90 of 317
Edge-Welded Metal Bellows - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Edge-Welded Metal Bellows
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Edge-Welded Bellows Definition: Edge-welded bellows is the most flexible element connected with vacuum flanges or end fittings of any kind steel material at both ends. It consists of a number of mould thin metal plates or diaphragm discs, which are welded together at their inner or outer di...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Edge-Welded Bellows

Welded Metal Bellows - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Welded Metal Bellows
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Edge-Welded Bellows Definition: Edge-welded bellows is the most flexible element connected with vacuum flanges or end fittings of any kind steel material at both ends. It consists of a number of mould thin metal plates or diaphragm discs, which are welded together at their inner or outer di...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Edge-Welded Bellows

Edge Welded Bellows - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Edge Welded Bellows
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Edge-Welded Bellows Definition: Edge-welded bellows is the most flexible element connected with vacuum flanges or end fittings of any kind steel material at both ends. It consists of a number of mould thin metal plates or diaphragm discs, which are welded together at their inner or outer di...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Edge-Welded Bellows

Edge Welded Bellow - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Edge Welded Bellow
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Edge-Welded Bellows Definition: Edge-welded bellows is the most flexible element connected with vacuum flanges or end fittings of any kind steel material at both ends. It consists of a number of mould thin metal plates or diaphragm discs, which are welded together at their inner or outer di...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Metal Bellows

Welded Bellows - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Welded Bellows
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Edge-Welded Bellows Definition: Edge-welded bellows is the most flexible element connected with vacuum flanges or end fittings of any kind steel material at both ends. It consists of a number of mould thin metal plates or diaphragm discs, which are welded together at their inner or outer di...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Edge-Welded Bellows

Diaphragm Bellows - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Diaphragm Bellows
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Edge-Welded Bellows Definition: Edge-welded bellows is the most flexible element connected with vacuum flanges or end fittings of any kind steel material at both ends. It consists of a number of mould thin metal plates or diaphragm discs, which are welded together at their inner or outer di...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Edge-Welded Bellows

Bellow Weld - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Bellow Weld
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Edge-Welded Bellows Definition: Edge-welded bellows is the most flexible element connected with vacuum flanges or end fittings of any kind steel material at both ends. It consists of a number of mould thin metal plates or diaphragm discs, which are welded together at their inner or outer di...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Edge-Welded Bellows

Bellows Metal - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Bellows Metal
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Bellows: Bellows is the most important flexible element of an expansion joint / expansion compensator. It consists of one or more convolutions with one to five plies according to the design requirements. The most recommended international design standards for quality e...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Metal Bellows

Bellows Type Expansion Joint - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Bellows Type Expansion Joint
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Bellows: Bellows is the most important flexible element of an expansion joint / expansion compensator. It consists of one or more convolutions with one to five plies according to the design requirements. The most recommended international design standards for quality e...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Metal Bellows

Metallic Expansion Bellows - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Metallic Expansion Bellows
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Bellows: Bellows is the most important flexible element of an expansion joint / expansion compensator. It consists of one or more convolutions with one to five plies according to the design requirements. The most recommended international design standards for quality e...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Metal Bellows

Metallic Bellows - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Metallic Bellows
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Bellows: Bellows is the most important flexible element of an expansion joint / expansion compensator. It consists of one or more convolutions with one to five plies according to the design requirements. The most recommended international design standards for quality e...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Metal Bellows

Metal Bellows Expansion Joints - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Metal Bellows Expansion Joints
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Bellows: Bellows is the most important flexible element of an expansion joint / expansion compensator. It consists of one or more convolutions with one to five plies according to the design requirements. The most recommended international design standards for quality e...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Metal Bellows

Expansion Metal - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Expansion Metal
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Bellows: Bellows is the most important flexible element of an expansion joint / expansion compensator. It consists of one or more convolutions with one to five plies according to the design requirements. The most recommended international design standards for quality e...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Metal Bellows

Expansion Joint Bellows - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Expansion Joint Bellows
Item No.:
Product Description : 1. Definition: 1.1 Bellows: Bellows is the most important flexible element of an expansion joint / expansion compensator. It consists of one or more convolutions with one to five plies according to the design requirements. The most recommended international design standards for quality e...
Manufacturer/Factory : CDI-Bellows
Categories: Industrial Supplies Hardware > Mechanical Parts > Metal Bellows

Nickel Silver Sheet/Nickel Silver Strip. - Result of plunger-element
Product Name: Nickel Silver Sheet/Nickel Silver Strip.
Item No.:
Product Description : Nickel Silver Sheet/Nickel Silver Strip. Alloy code: C7701, C7521, C7541. Specification: 1. Sheet : 0.80 ~3.50 mm (T) x 180 ~ 380 mm (W) x 1,200 mm (L). 2. Strip : 0.08~3.5 mm (T) x 12 ~ 380 mm (W). Characteristic: Good processability, Good magnetic shielding ability, Good ductil...
Manufacturer/Factory : HANG JING CO., LTD.
Categories: Minerals,Materials > Nonferrous Metal Alloy

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